The Ultimate Guide To Mycotoxins and What Makes Mold Toxic

The Ultimate Guide To Mycotoxins and What Makes Mold Toxic

The term toxic mold is a bit misleading as it suggests that certain types of molds themselves are toxic.  In reality, a very narrow set of molds produce secondary metabolites that produce toxins.  These are known as mycotoxins.   Studies show that more than 50% of homes and more than 85% of commercial buildings in the…

Mold in Fireplaces: Causes, Prevention, and Solutions

Mold in Fireplaces: Causes, Prevention, and Solutions

Mold in fireplaces can be a recurring issue for homeowners, compromising both the aesthetic appeal and the safety of their spaces. Often overlooked, mold growth within the fireplace or chimney can lead to several health concerns, especially for individuals with allergies or asthma. Understanding the underlying causes of mold in fireplaces and learning how to…

Quick Links

Below are links to the products and companies I discuss the most in consult calls and emails. This is not inclusive of everything I may recommend but it covers the top 10. No bells and whistles here – just links! Superstratum Superstratum offers the Everyday Cleaner, the Hypochlorous Acid Pro, the Smart Polymer Coating, and…

Does Sunlight Kill Mold?

Does Sunlight Kill Mold?

One of the most frequently asked questions I get when I am on a consultation call with someone who is determining what mold contaminated items can be saved is “does sunlight kill mold?” The reasoning behind the question typically stems from the logic that you don’t see outdoor mold growing out of control everywhere so…

Do Superstratum Mold Removal and Prevention Products Really Work?

Do Superstratum Mold Removal and Prevention Products Really Work?

In my quest to discover mold removal products that work, I stumbled on Endurance BioBarrier. Intrigued, I spent quite a bit of time on their website, on the phone with customer service, and snooping around the internet for additional insight. Honestly, Endurance BioBarrier seemed a little too good to be true. Turns out this product…

Your Guide To The Best Laundry Detergent To Remove Mold

Your Guide To The Best Laundry Detergent To Remove Mold

Which is the best laundry detergent to remove mold? There are only a handful of laundry detergents or laundry additives that can remove mold effectively although many claim to do so. Mold or fungi are extremely resilient microbes and it takes certain antimicrobial activity and laundry soap or surfactant to capitalize on the washing machine…

Pets and Mold – How To Test For and Treat Mold On Animal Fur

Pets and Mold – How To Test For and Treat Mold On Animal Fur

Toxic mold doesn’t just impact humans. Nope. House pets can suffer from a wide variety of health issues due to exposure to mold and mycotoxins. As many of you reading this post might know, I walked away from everything I owned after my toxic mold nightmare. Everything except my car and my pets (cats and…

Mold and EMFs + 5G – What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

Mold and EMFs + 5G – What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

You are likely wondering what mold has to do with EMFs and 5G. Interestingly enough, there is a rather big connection between mold, EMFs, and 5G. It is important to note that this article is NOT propaganda based. This article is well researched and based on scientific evidence and published studies. The goal is to…

Mold In The Workplace

Mold In The Workplace

Whether you work in an office building, a coffee shop, a hospital, or even a junk yard, there is a strong change that you are being exposed to mold in the workplace. What should you do? What CAN you do? Mold in the workplace, especially an office setting, is a slippery slope. More than likely…

Mold In A Rental? Landlord Won’t Fix The Mold Problem? A Guide To Mold And Tenant’s Rights.

Mold In A Rental? Landlord Won’t Fix The Mold Problem? A Guide To Mold And Tenant’s Rights.

Having a mold problem in your home can be so frustrating. But having mold in a rental can be an absolute nightmare. If those are both bad, try having mold in a rental when a landlord won’t fix the mold problem. If you are dealing with mold in a rental, then this article is for…

What You Need To Know About Christmas Tree Mold and Christmas Tree Syndrome

What You Need To Know About Christmas Tree Mold and Christmas Tree Syndrome

This year, Americans will buy 25-30 million live Christmas trees to decorate their homes for the holidays. About 85% of those trees will be pre-cut weeks ahead of time – in most cases prior to Thanksgiving. The trees are cut, baled and packed into refrigerated trucks to be delivered to a tree seller near your…

7 Things You Don’t Know About Mold (But Probably Should)

7 Things You Don’t Know About Mold (But Probably Should)

Mold is a jerk. Period. It grows fast, doesn’t need fancy accommodations, and absolutely wreaks havoc on anything it touches or gets near. Mold doesn’t care if you are wealthy or living far below the poverty line. It doesn’t care if you are old, young, or somewhere in between. Mold doesn’t care where you were…